The weekend did not start well for Adam Raga, who received a very strict "fiasco" in Q2, forcing him to start third. Again, Adam knew how to find the race pace and lead a good part of it. The key was the section four, which only Toni Bou beat, and from there he knew how to manage his advantage. Good for Adam, who has completed a season from less to more, showing that he remains at the highest level and ready to fight for the title next season.
In the category of Trial2 Luca Petrella has equaled his best result of the year, fourth, ending the season as the best rider of TRS classified, seventh. Marc Riba has been eighth in the race and ninth in the global standings. Haga has completed the "top 15" in a discrete race, being twelfth in the championship.
In Trial125 sixth position for Eric Miquel, who has not been able to be placed between the three best of the category, finishing fourth his second season at the controls of the TRRS 125cc.
The calendar will officially end on September 22 and 23, in the Czech town of Sokolov.